November 8, 2022
Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau

In Tokai Sake Awards 2022, 47 items from 47 breweries were exhibited in the Ginjo-shu category, 63 items from 63 breweries in the Junmai-ginjo-shu category, and 117 items from 66 breweries in the Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) category.

After meticulous and strict evaluation, we awarded the "Grand Honor Prize" to those placing first in each category. We selected high-quality 17 items from 17 breweries in the Ginjo-shu category, 24 items from 24 breweries in the Junmai-ginjo-shu category, and 27 items from 23 breweries in the Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) category and awarded the “Honor Prize”.

1. Purpose of the Competition

To contribute to the development of the Japanese sake industry and to consumer's benefit by promoting the advancement of brewing technology and improving the quality of sake in the district under our jurisdiction through quality evaluation for this competition.

2. Category

The competition was conducted in three categories: Ginjo-shu, Junmai-ginjo-shu, and Warmed Sake (Kan-sake).

(1) Ginjo-shu Category

Eligible items for this category were sake of ginjo-shu (sake made from highly polished rice with special technique, as stipulated in the “Labeling Standard for the Manufacturing Process and Quality of Sake” (NTA notice #8 in 1989)) that brewers brewed in their own breweries between July 1st 2021 and June 30th 2022.

(2) Junmai-ginjo-shu Category

Eligible items for this category were junmai-ginjo-shu (ginjo-shu without addition of brewers alcohol, as stipulated in the “Labeling Standard for the Manufacturing Process and Quality of Sake” (NTA notice #8 in 1989)) that brewers brewed in their own breweries between July 1st 2021 and June 30th 2022.

(3) Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) Category

Eligible items for this category were Japanese sake that brewers brewed in their own breweries.

3. Quality Evaluation

(1) Evaluation schedule

  • September 26 (Monday) and 27 (Tuesday) , 2022: Evaluation of the Ginjo-shu and Junmai-ginjo-shu categories
  • September 28 (Wednesday) and 30 (Friday) , 2022: Evaluation of the Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) category

(2) Panel

Evaluations in this competition were performed by officers from brewing technology institutions in Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi and Mie prefecture, officers from National Research Institute of Brewing, experts with knowledge and experience concerning Japanese Sake, those who were recommended from associations of sake producers, wholesalers and retailers; and officers of the Office of Analysis and Brewing Technology, Nagoya Taxation Bureau.

A total of 40 panelists were engaged in the evaluation.

(3) Method

As for the Ginjo-shu category and the Junmai-ginjo-shu category , all items were divided two groups according to the yeast used(*), and evaluated at 18-20degrees.

As for the Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) category, all items were evaluated at 45degrees.

(*)Today, most ginjo-shu and junmai-ginjo-shu exhibited in the competition are made using yeast which was developed in order to produce a high level of aroma, however, some items are still made using “traditional yeast” which has also excellent characteristics and had been mainly used before new yeast was developed.

While most ginjo-shu and junmai-ginjo-shu have a gorgeous apple like aroma and elegant taste, those made using “traditional yeast” have a gentle banana-like aroma and mild taste with the least aftertaste. Because of these very different characteristics, we divided the Ginjo-shu and Junmai-ginjo-shu categories into two groups in this competition.

4. Number of Participants and Award Winners by Prefecture

  Gifu Prefecture Shizuoka Prefecture Aichi Prefecture Mie Prefecture Total
No. of exhibitors 9 12 20 6 47
Items using traditional yeast in all exhibitors 0 8 2 0 10
No. of prize winners 2 6 7 3 18
No. of exhibitors 18 16 20 9 63
Items using traditional yeast in all exhibitors 3 13 1 3 20
No. of prize winners 7 6 7 5 25
Warmed Sake
No. of exhibitors 16 18 21 11 66
No. of exhibits 27 31 39 20 117
No. of prize winners 6 5 6 6 23
Total No. of exhibitors 20 18 24 13 75
No. of prize winners 12 11 12 8 43

(Note) The limits of numbers of items were as follows;
One for the Ginjo-shu and Junmai-ginjo-shu categories for each exhibitor
Two for the Warmed Sake (Kan-sake) category for each exhibitor.

5. Winners of the Grand Honor Prize and Honor Prize

Please refer to the Tokai Sake Awards 2022 Honor Prize Winners List.(PDF/178KB)