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No. Content Size(KB)
Front Cover・Chapter Head (PDF/179KB)
1 Basic knowledge (PDF/417KB)
○Special exception for calculating the sales tax amount for small and medium business entities (PDF/236KB)
○About the qualified invoice-based method(the invoice system) (PDF/183KB)
2 Preparing for your final return (PDF/639KB)
3 Final return procedures (PDF/126KB)
4 Consumption tax calculation (PDF/603KB)
5 Local consumption tax calculation (PDF/203KB)
6 Enter the value in the return form (Page1 and Page2) (PDF/707KB)
7 Other items (PDF/1,844KB)
8 Filing and paying (PDF/118KB)
9 Income tax adjustment (PDF/93KB)
10 Rough draft return form, etc. (PDF/1,028KB)
Flowchart for determining business types (PDF/129KB)
Application (notification of change) for tax payment by transfer account (PDF/560KB)