(As of June 10, 2022)
Contracting Jurisdictions Texts
The Kingdom of Netherlands (Japanese(PDF/281KB) / English(PDF/100KB))
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoplefs Republic of China (Japanese(PDF/275KB) / English(PDF/100KB))
The Portuguese Republic (Japanese(PDF/286KB) / English(PDF/101KB) / Portuguese(PDF/68KB) )
New Zealand (Japanese(PDF/373KB) / English(PDF/171KB))
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Japanese(PDF/384KB) / English(PDF/128KB))
Sweden (Japanese(PDF/384KB) / English(PDF/107KB))
The United States of America (Japanese(PDF/440KB) / English(PDF/543KB))
The Republic of Singapore (Japanese(PDF/231KB) / English(PDF/355KB))

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